Special Offers
2024 Genesis GV60

Below you will find all cash and rebate incentives currently available for the Genesis GV60.
Retail Bonus Cash (G2408RC005) $7,500
Valid: 8/2/2024 to 9/3/2024
View Available Inventory- Not compatible with subvened lease or APR Programs
College Graduate Program $400
Valid: 1/3/2024 to 1/2/2025
View Available Inventory- Not all customers may qualify for this offer. Please contact us with questions. Customers must have graduated with a Master's, Bachelor's or Associate's degree from a U.S.-accredited college or registered nursing school within the past two (2) years or will graduate from such a school within the next six months from date of finance contract. Customer must have no adverse credit history. Regarding education - customer must provide a copy of their diploma or a letter from the college or university's registrar's office stating that they've graduated within the past 2 years or will graduate within the next six months. Regarding employment - customer must provide proof of employment (such as a pay stub) or an offer letter from a prospective employer with a start date no more than 90 days from date of finance contract.
Military Coupon Program (G2408ML008) $500
- Not all customers may qualify for this offer. Please contact us with questions. Residents residing in qualifying regions of the United States listed in the BUSINESS CENTER BOUNDARIES section. To be Eligible customers (or spouse) must be Active Duty, Reservist/National Guard, Retires, or a Veteran with Honorable Discharge from the U.S. Military at the commencement of the program period. Personnel from the U.S Military eligible for this program are defined as customers serving or having served in the United States Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, Navy, Reserves, or National Guard. As well as, U.S. Military personnel who were Honorably Discharged due to a disability acquired during their service regardless of the number of years served. Vehicle must be sold during program period and must be purchased from a participating Hyundai dealership. In order to provide proof the purchaser must provide one of the following: Current Leave and Earning statements Letter from Commanding Officer Print out verifying Active Duty Status Discharge Papers
Retail Balloon Cash (G302) $3,750
Valid: 8/2/2024 to 9/3/2024
View Available Inventory- Not all customers may qualify for this offer. Please contact us with questions.
Retail Balloon Cash (G302) $9,250
Valid: 8/2/2024 to 9/3/2024
View Available Inventory- Not all customers may qualify for this offer. Please contact us with questions.
Retail Balloon Cash (G302) $3,500
Valid: 8/2/2024 to 9/3/2024
View Available Inventory- Not all customers may qualify for this offer. Please contact us with questions.
Special Lease Cash (G202)
Valid: 8/2/2024 to 9/3/2024
View Available Inventory- Not all customers may qualify for this offer. Please contact us with questions. Compatible with Special Lease Rates.